Filter Five is a full-service multimedia production house that specializes in creating compelling visual stories. We’re a team of award-winning producers, editors and videographers that create high-quality content in the corporate, broadcast, social & NGO sectors.

The Lost Art of Storytelling

We don’t shoot videos, we create stories. We believe that visual storytelling is an art, comprised of finding the right mix of interviews, music, pictures, and writing to produce engaging content that people will want to watch. We focus on producing compelling multimedia that is always delivered on time and on budget.

Content Driven by Strategy

We believe that great content supports a company’s strategic vision. This means finding the right medium, distribution channels, length and format that reflect your unique perspective to your clients. We do more than just execute, we help you create a content strategy that will resonate with your target audience.

Customised Solutions that fit your Business

At Filter Five we understand that each project is unique. We excel at providing a customised and personal approach that fits your company’s specific needs. We’re not a big, faceless production house, but a dedicated group of individuals that are committed to helping you tell your story. We offer clients a full range of support; from concept ideation & script writing, to project management & social media content. 

Flexible, Scaleable & Global

We’re small, agile and fast – and we like it that way. Filter Five has a global network of partners who are ready to help us tackle any project, anywhere.  From a simple corporate video in Toronto to a web series in Rome, we have the resources to handle anything you throw our way. Projects have taken us all around the world, from Singapore to Ethiopia.  Give us your ideas, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Make it stand out.